Here's a satellite veiw of the house we're buying. We stopped at the house today after church and met the sellers who were very willing to show us around a bit and tell us more about the home. Tuesday afternoon is the inspection and both Audry and I will be there going around with the inspector to learn all we can about the various mechanical systems and general condition of the house. We don't anticipate any problems but the inspection is ordered by the mortgage lender before they will issue the financing. Plus, it would be really stupid not to get an inspection.
nice. i like the big lot an the seclusion of the Cul-de-sac aught to be nice. hope everything goes as planned and there are no problems with the inspection. enjoy.
what happened to building your own?
Yes, building a house. That was always a possibility and when we came across the Saussy Burbank development near uptown Charlotte, it appeared to be the best compromise for all the things Audry and I wanted in a house. Although I have to say, I was giving greater consideration to Audry's wish to be closer to her office. She doesn't like commuting. Who does?
For me, I would have been sacrificing living in a "typical" development with a big back yard for the benefit of getting a brand new house with a style and floor plan we really, really liked. And there was also the underlying potential of the home to increase significantly in value as housing around Charlotte becomes scarce.
Anyway, the sales agent in the Suassy Burbank development had no idea when the lot we wanted was going to come available. They don’t release all the lots at once. They do it over months or even years in larger communities. And we want OUT of our apartment.
Another possibility was that we would buy a building lot somewhere and build our own house on it. Someday. In fact, the day I saw the house we’re buying come on the market I was planning to call a real estate agent about a lot we saw the day before.
So, our options have always been wide open, and this house satisfies everything we both wanted, except getting Audry closer to work. But, the house sits exactly halfway between Audry’s office and my future office to the south, so we’ll have approximately equal commutes. Miraculous. Providentially designed. Within a span of 11 days, the house came available, I got a call for an interview for the best job I’ve seen yet, our purchase offer on the house was accepted, and I got the job. All of this happening after being here for over 7 months.
Eleven must be our number. My job starts May 14, and we close on the house eleven days later on the 25th.
And, I have eleven toes. I think we’re on to something here.
eleven toes sounds pretty freaky dude. but I'm glad this house worked out. I was worried for awhile that I was somehow putting a jinx on you!
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